Women's Golf Association
at Mission Valley Country Club, Nokomis, FL
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Event Details for:

Member- Guest Day
» Thursday, March 3rd 2022
Overall gross 139, $45 each
Cathy Kuhlman, Terri Ramey, Deb McGrath, Angela Seecharan

Overall net Score card playoff 110, $45 each
Pat Alford, Tamie Wilson, Kathy Gallo, Carol Hudson

First Flight 1st Place 110, $40 each
Sandy Mooney, Brenda Hibblen, Sheila Landis, Sheila Uriss

2nd Place 113, $30 each
Chris Smialek, Katherin Kiah, Debbie Grovum, Jacqueline Romer

3rd Place 114, $20 each
Barb Sweaney, Laura Derderian, Paula Kolodny, Kate Reichard

Second Flight 1st Place 121, $40 each
Cindy Bischoff, Hannah Bischoff, Suzanne Johnson, Roonie Rost

2nd Place 121, $30 each
Alice Schilling, Deb Kiniry, Ann Zowine, Pat Fitzgerald

3rd Place 122, $20 each
Mary Collins, Susie Dilanardo, Jeanne Asakura, Diane Curtis

Third Flight 1st Place 125, $40 each
Lucy Thomas, Jill Faccenda, Carol Walter, Joan Watters

2nd Place 127, $30 each
Lyndie Pope, Jennifer Bowers, Wendy Boyd, Michelle Smith

3rd Place 128, $20 each
Mary Pat Kahler, Linda Knight, Doris Metzger, Leisel Ladebeck

CTP #11 Deb McGrath 7'11", $20
CTP #11 Guest - Linda Diamond 3'9", $20
Longest Putt Kathy Gallo 37'5", $20
Longest Putt #4, Guest Linda Brink14', $20
Starting time to be announced. Lots of Fun details will be revealed!
Cancelation policy: Must cancel no less than five days prior to the event or you will forfeit your entry fee.