Women's Golf Association
at Mission Valley Country Club, Nokomis, FL
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Event Details for:

Out With the Trash
» Thursday, January 27th 2022
1st Flight
1st place Doris Metzger net 49 - $20
2nd place Kathy Gallo net 51 - $15

2nd Flight
1st place Susie Anderson net 53 - $20
2nd place Lucy Thomas net 57 - $15

3rd Flight
1st place Wendy Boyd net - $20
2nd place Pat Urbanski net - $15

CTP Leslie Thomas 13'7" $5

total participants 48 total payout $110
Circle the worst net hole on the front and the worst net hole on the back - subtract the total from the net score.
Tee times start at 8:15. Lunch and meeting to follow play.