Women's Golf Association
at Mission Valley Country Club, Nokomis, FL
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Event Details for:

» Thursday, January 28th 2021
Total Players: 47; Total Payout $185

1st Place: 118 - $20 each
Sally Kernan Carole Ellstein
Sally Schaffer Eloise Greene

2nd Place: 120 - $15 each
Cheryl Hornberger Anne Brooks
Diane Welsh LaRue Fields

3rd Place: 122 - $10 each
Diana Glasheen Nancy Kelly
Sue Quick Barbara Schmid

Closest to the pin #11 - $5
Barbara Schmid 8'1"
All players tee off. Select the one best drive of the four. Each player then plays their own golf ball from that position into the hole. Use each player's drive at least three times. The pro shop will calculate handicaps to be used. No chip-ins or birdies.
8:30 shotgun. Lunch and meeting to follow play.